US Army Corps of Engineers

Bonneville Dam

Tuesday September 10, 2024

New Date:

HourTotal Outflow kcfsGeneration Flow kcfsSpill kcfsPH 1 Forebay ElevationTailwater ElevationAverage HeadProject Forebay ElevationStevenson Gage ElevationProject Tailwater Elevation
1 74.20 66.80 0.00 75.40 8.10 67.30 75.30 75.60 8.60
2 74.10 66.70 0.00 75.40 8.00 67.40 75.30 75.60 8.30
3 71.80 64.40 0.00 75.50 7.70 67.80 75.40 75.70 8.00
4 70.40 63.00 0.00 75.50 7.40 68.10 75.30 75.70 7.80
5 70.70 63.30 0.00 75.50 7.30 68.20 75.30 75.70 7.70
6 72.20 64.80 0.00 75.50 7.10 68.40 75.30 75.60 7.40
7 79.40 70.80 1.20 75.40 7.50 67.90 75.30 75.60 7.70
8 81.10 71.20 2.50 75.40 7.30 68.10 75.20 75.60 7.60
9 81.00 71.10 2.50 75.30 7.20 68.10 75.20 75.50 7.40
10 81.40 71.50 2.50 75.20 7.10 68.10 75.10 75.50 7.40
11 81.80 71.90 2.50 75.20 7.00 68.20 75.00 75.50 7.30
12 82.30 72.40 2.50 74.90 7.40 67.50 74.90 75.40 7.70
13 98.70 88.80 2.50 75.00 8.60 66.40 74.80 75.30 8.90
14 100.20 90.30 2.50 75.00 8.70 66.30 74.90 75.30 8.90
15 102.20 92.30 2.50 75.00 8.60 66.40 74.90 75.30 8.90
16 102.10 92.20 2.50 75.10 8.80 66.30 74.90 75.40 8.90
17 102.10 92.30 2.40 75.20 8.60 66.60 75.00 75.50 8.90
18 115.40 105.60 2.40 75.20 9.50 65.70 75.10 75.60 9.80
19 116.20 106.40 2.40 75.40 9.60 65.80 75.20 75.70 9.80
20 115.60 105.80 2.40 75.40 9.50 65.90 75.20 75.70 9.70
21 115.10 105.30 2.40 75.50 9.60 65.90 75.30 75.80 9.80
22 111.60 104.20 0.00 75.50 9.50 66.00 75.40 75.90 9.80
23 112.00 104.60 0.00 75.60 9.90 65.70 75.40 75.90 10.20
24 112.70 105.30 0.00 75.70 10.20 65.50 75.40 75.90 10.50
AVG 92.68 83.79 1.49 75.33 8.34 66.98 75.17 75.60 8.63
MAX 116.20 106.40 2.50 75.70 10.20 68.40 75.40 75.90 10.50
MIN 70.40 63.00 0.00 74.90 7.00 65.50 74.80 75.30 7.30

  Powerhouse 1 Powerhouse 2 Project
HourGeneration Flow kcfsForebay ElevationForebay ElevationGeneration Flow kcfsSpillway Gates in UseMiscellaneous Flow kcfs*
1 8.90 75.4 75.3 57.90 0 7.4
2 8.90 75.4 75.3 57.80 0 7.4
3 8.20 75.5 75.4 56.20 0 7.4
4 8.20 75.5 75.3 54.80 0 7.4
5 8.60 75.5 75.3 54.70 0 7.4
6 8.90 75.5 75.3 55.90 0 7.4
7 7.90 75.4 75.3 62.90 2 7.4
8 7.80 75.4 75.2 63.40 2 7.4
9 7.80 75.3 75.2 63.30 2 7.4
10 7.90 75.2 75.1 63.60 2 7.4
11 7.90 75.2 75.0 64.00 2 7.4
12 8.00 74.9 74.9 64.40 2 7.4
13 9.00 75.0 74.8 79.80 2 7.4
14 8.90 75.0 74.9 81.40 2 7.4
15 8.90 75.0 74.9 83.40 2 7.4
16 8.90 75.1 74.9 83.30 2 7.4
17 8.90 75.2 75.0 83.40 2 7.4
18 9.30 75.2 75.1 96.30 2 7.4
19 9.00 75.4 75.2 97.40 2 7.4
20 9.00 75.4 75.2 96.80 2 7.4
21 9.00 75.5 75.3 96.30 0 7.4
22 8.90 75.5 75.4 95.30 0 7.4
23 9.00 75.6 75.4 95.60 0 7.4
24 9.10 75.7 75.4 96.20 0 7.4
AVG 8.62 75.3 75.2 75.17 1 7.4
MAX 9.30 75.7 75.4 97.40 2 7.4
MIN 7.80 74.9 74.8 54.70 0 7.4

* Miscellaneous Flow includes fish ladders, PH1 sluiceway, navigation lock, PH2 DSM, UMT, and PH2 corner collector (B2CC). When all routes are in operation (March-August), total Misc Flow will be ~12.4 kcfs. Flow through the B2CC is ~5 kcfs, so fluctuations of +/-5 kcfs at any time of year indicate the B2CC is open/closed.